About Guitar Mastery Method

Welcome to the Guitar Mastery Method!

About this website and a bit about me:

Thanks for visiting my site!  My name is Jon Perez, and I have been playing, learning, and teaching guitar for over 15 years now.  Whether is Guitar related topics or Music in general, chances are you have some questions and are in search of answers.  

I am here to tell you that after many years of practice and academic preparation, I have seen first hand that there is a lot of information out there on how to become a better player!  Some of the resources online and offline are great, and of course, others not so much.  

However, as a guitarist and teacher, I became very interested in the link that exists between the guitar itself and the world of music theory.  It seems like the link that should bridge these "two" things gets completely missed most of the times.  Even great players, and not so great teachers, will leave information up to the imagination of the student.  I will give you a quick example.  You are probably familiar with the way a major chord sounds, perhaps even the formula on how to construct it, and a place of two of playing it on the guitar.  But when it comes to really owning it, just like you own your guitar, were you taught to simply memorize it?  Where you taught the various forms of applying this chord?  Where you given a practical knowledge and even wisdom on how to really own that chord across the neck of the guitar?

Well, maybe you are there anyway after many trial and error moments, long hours of practice and repetitive exercises, and many more hours of study time on and off the instrument.  And, the point here os not to say that there is a substitute for practice time, there is really not!  But, there are more effective ways of learning the guitar than by merely putting in the time for the sake of paying dues.  If these long hours of practice could be substituted by long hours of creating music and finding your sound, I could also rest my case and even conclude that IF there is a more effective method of learning to play the guitar by bridging the theory with the practice through great teaching methodology, you would also be first in line to becoming a true artist.  

This is a journey that took me about 10 years to conquer.  And, although we are never done with learning music, guitar, or just about anything else in life, we can put to rest our doubts on being able to master the instrument!  You will have to think a bit, you will have to refresh some very simple math, you will learn some music theory in the process, but you will also become the guitar player you thought you couldn't be.  You will be empowered with the tools to achieve mastery over the instrument both vertically and horizontally.  Yep, just like some bands usually achieve great success in their first album because it is the album that they worked on for the most amount of time, I promise you will reap all the benefits from my 10-year journey.  

Oh, I have another promise to make you:  READING MUSIC IS NOT REQUIRED! So, TAKE THE LESSONS CHALLENGE, and play with the JAM TRACKS...